


Date de début 2023
Durée 2 years
Numbers of artworks 500 artworks & art objects
Artistic approach Between the ancient and the contemporary, marine universe, history of Venice and its shipowners


“The idea was to create an art collection like that of an aesthete traveler who has brought back objects from the world over and from every era.” Amélie du Chalard 


A few canals over from the Piazza San Marco and La Fenice opera house stands the Nolinski Venezia. Its majestic façade, adorned with mythical creatures, the daughters of Poseidon, reminds us of the potency that La Serenissima draws from its waters. Here we enter Venetian history through the doors of the old Stock Exchange. Art Nouveau, Stile Liberty and Modernism are brought together in well-proportioned harmony, enhanced by the work of interior designers Le Coadic Scotto. Over five floors, art and noble materials reign supreme: stucco marbro and marmorino contrast with mango wood joinery and paneling. 

We curated a collection of pieces of incomparable originality and eclecticism. In complete osmosis with the building, Venetian heritage, and the artistic direction of the interior design team LeCoadic Scotto, this collection has the singular and unique touch that can only be inspired by a collector’s personal favorites. The collection tells a story that follows the whims of the light and the flow of water. Antique and contemporary pieces face each other and converse, continuing an age-old and poignant dialogue about beauty. In the entrance, we come across a painting by Bruno Dufourmantelle, whose fantastical landscape conjures up a Venice obscured by winter fog. In contrast, a piece of gilded blown glass by Jeremy Maxwell Wintrebert lights up the lobby like a giant sun that has tumbled down to Earth. A ceramic bas-relief, commissioned for the space and created in situ by the Brazilian artist Valeria Nascimento, depicts the changing levels of the water in the canals. A little further, the Bar’s ceiling unfurls like the sky, with a fresco by Simon Buret. Like the theatres of antiquity, statues on pedestals, 13th-century columns, and antique fountain- heads are all part of the fine-dining restaurant’s monumental theatricality. These sculptures quietly nod to the waiters as they hurry to and among contemporary paintings by Michael Kaul, GeneÌ€ve Cotté, and Delphine de Luppé. In the hotel’s suites, astonishing objets d’art hold the gaze of figures in Renaissance portraits. Classical and contemporary pieces are brought together like the cabinet of curiosities of an inquisitive traveler.